Mike Simpson tweeted the following:
"Many of my colleagues on the Appropriations Committee would agree great staff make the difference. Im thankful to my staff and the committee staff who help make Congress run as smoothly as possible. I look forward to getting the job done! twitter.com/westerncaucus/"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Mike Simpson:
"Congratulations on your well-deserved retirement, Monte. Local journalism is an important service and your contribution to the industry will be greatly missed.postregister.com/news/local/pos" on Feb. 23Read on Twitter
"In addition to public comment periods, the BLM has scheduled several public meetings to provide opportunities to ask questions or share concerns.Find out more here: blm.gov/press-release/ twitter.com/CongMikeSimpso" on Feb. 22Read on Twitter
"Congratulations to Command Stg. Maj. Alice Randolph for her historic assignment as the @IDNationalGuard senior enlisted leader. And to Command Stg. Maj. White, enjoy retirement! Thank you both for your service to our country and to our great State. twitter.com/IDNationalGuar" on Feb. 22Read on Twitter