Mike Simpson tweeted the following:
"Congratulations on your well-deserved retirement, Monte. Local journalism is an important service and your contribution to the industry will be greatly missed.postregister.com/news/local/pos"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Mike Simpson:
"In addition to public comment periods, the BLM has scheduled several public meetings to provide opportunities to ask questions or share concerns.Find out more here: blm.gov/press-release/ twitter.com/congmikesimpso" on Feb. 22Read on Twitter
"Congratulations to Command Stg. Maj. Alice Randolph for her historic assignment as the @IDNationalGuard senior enlisted leader. And to Command Stg. Maj. White, enjoy retirement! Thank you both for your service to our country and to our great State. twitter.com/idnationalguar" on Feb. 22Read on Twitter
"Idahos farmers and landowners have warned against the EPAs efforts to redefine WOTUS. While I support the goal of protecting a clean water supply, I can see the EPAs current attempt for what they are an attempt to expand federal control over how landowners use their land." on Feb. 21Read on Twitter