Mike Simpson tweeted the following:
"Since 2009, @BLMIdaho Wild Horse and Burro Program has paired young horses and Idahoans together through adoption. Adoptions are taking place in Blackfoot and Boise this next week. Find out more below .blm.gov/press-release/"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Mike Simpson:
"Well said, @SpeakerPelosi.The President shouldnt be able to order a massive bailout at the expense of responsible and hard-working Americans."Read on Twitter
"Happy National Dog Day from our favorite pooch - Charley!"Read on Twitter
"#Artemis1 represents a big step for the future of human exploration on the moon. August 29th is the first launch window for the mission. You can watch it using this link: go.nasa.gov/3pFlV1V twitter.com/nasa/status/15"Read on Twitter