Mike Simpson tweeted the following:
"I released the following statement regarding the Supreme Courts decision to overturn Roe v. Wade."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Mike Simpson:
"Although Americans desperately need relief, an 18/gal gas tax holiday means nothing against the $2.00 price increase weve seen over the last year.If Biden wants to offer relief, open drilling leases and pipelines will do the job." on June 23Read on Twitter
"Congratulations to these innovators. The work that goes on at the @INL everyday is world-changing, and it wouldnt be possible without these incredible people. Idahoans should be proud! twitter.com/inl/status/153" on June 21Read on Twitter
"While Idahoans face gas prices above the national average, Bidens message to them is that nothing can be done.But hes got it all wrong policies that increase domestic production of oil and gas, not restrict it, will bring relief.eastidahonews.com/2022/06/idaho-" on June 21Read on Twitter